Hot Tub Time Machine

Every year we get a few movies that are destined to become cult movies. They aren't necessarily horror, sci-fi, or action movies. Cult movies come in all shapes and sizes. Hot Tub Time Machine is a movie that desperately wants to be a cult movie but doesn't have the convictions to follow through with the premise.

Shrek Forever After

What has happened to the Shrek franchise? The first two Shrek movies were great entertainment. Shrek the Third was not as good as the first two, but it had it's charms. You could tell that the filmmakers were running out of ideas with Shrek the Third. Now, we know for a fact that the filmmakers have no fresh ideas with this movie.

Iron Man 2

When the first Iron Man came out in 2008 everyone was afraid that the movie was going to be a series of mindless action sequences with no character. What we got was a well thought out origin story with well written characters. The action scenes didn't come at the expense of the characters. The same can not be said about Iron Man 2. This is the movie that everyone feared Iron Man would be.

The Summer of Suck

Every summer audiences look forward to the big event movies that Hollywood has in store for them. We usually get the mindless action movies and the big animated movies that compete for the Oscar the following year. In past summers we have seen the likes of Batman, Spider-man, Shrek, and the likes that have graced the screen. We have had bonafied classics like The Dark Knight and Wall-E and bombs like Gigli and The Adventures of Pluto Nash.

The Book of Eli

I love post-apocalyptic movies. I find them to be very entertaining in the way that they see how the world would be if there was a nuclear blast. The one problem lies in the fact that they mostly have the same outcome. Everything is reduced to desert and life goes back to a time that is a mix of western times and cavemen times.

Escape from L.A.

There were many badass movies that came out in the 80's. Lethal Weapon, Predator, Die Hard, The Thing, They Live were are products of the 80's, but the movie that lead the way was a smaller movie. That movie was Escape from New York. Escape also gave one of the greatest badass characters in the form of Snake Plissken. This movie lead that way for all of the 80's action movies.

Death at a Funeral (2010)

Remaking a movie that came out within the last few years really isn't a good idea, but the makers of Death at a Funeral will argue differently. They will argue that there is comedy to be had. I will rebut with "No there isn't"

The A-Team (2010)

The big screen version of the 1980's hit show The A-Team is an assembly line kind of movie. There is nothing original or exciting to be found here. Just standard issue parts with no customized detail.

The Karate Kid

I have not seen the original Karate Kid in years, but I know all the beats. This remake of the 1984 classic follows all of these beats to the letter. The fact that the movie is really long winded at 140 minutes shouldn't stop you from enjoying the movie.

Shutter Island

I'll have to admit that I am not the biggest Scoresse fan out there. There are people who love his work and consider him one of the best filmmakers alive. I just happen to not be one of them. I find his work to range from great (Goodfellas, Casino, Taxi Driver, The Departed) to not very good (Kundun, Gangs of New York, After Hours). I think that given the right material he can make great things out of it. I can say this: He has never made a movie that was not well made.

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