Die Hard with a Vengeance

Die Hard with a Vengeance (or DH3 as I will refer to it) is a strange Die Hard movie. It starts out as a cat and mouse game between Willis, along with Samuel L. Jackson, and Jeremy Irons, and ends in true Die Hard fashion. So what do I think of the movie? I like it, but with a few hesitations.

Vampires Suck

I have watched many spoofs in my time here on this earth. I have seen classics like Airplane! and Naked Gun. I have also seen the movies that don't even deserve the money that got them made. Movies like Date Movie, Epic Movie, and Disaster Movie are the reason that movie spoofs have gone down the drain.

Die Hard 2: Die Harder

I love Die Hard 2. I may be in a minority here, but I think that it does exactly what it sets out to do: Take the Die Hard formula, because now it has become a formula, and make it bigger and badder. It does both of these things very well.

Die Hard

I am a child of the 80's so I got to grow up in arguably the best decade for action movies. The 80's produced some of the best action movies of all time and created stars out of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. Among all of these muscle bound actors was an unlikely candidate for action star of the decade: Bruce Willis. Willis came from a tv sitcom background when the first Die Hard was released and it seemed unlikely that he would be able to carry a big Hollywood action movie.

Mel Gibson and the "N-Word"

As you may have heard, Mel Gibson supposedly threatened his ex-girlfriend by telling her that he hoped that she was raped by a bunch of "n-words". I use the term "n-word" because I am white and us whites are not allowed to say it. Not that I would want to anyway. I am just making it clear to some of the people who might not get what an "n-word" is. Anyway, so Gibson supposedly said this and other disparaging remarks to his ex-girlfriend. The reasons I bring this up are many, but I will only highlight a few.

The Crazies

This review contains spoilers. If you do not want to know about certain things that happen in this movie then do not read this review.

The Crazies is a remake of the cult classic of the same name. The original was directed by George A. Romero. This one is directed by Breck Eisner, who did that movie Sahara with Mathew whatshisname. I have no idea how this movie stacks up to the original because I haven't seen it. I have been meaning to watch it but other things have gotten in the way.

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